Source code for pymenu.ext.pyxdg

# coding: utf8

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import subprocess

import xdg.Menu
import tatsu

from pymenu import MenuEntry

[docs]class XdgMenuEntry(MenuEntry): def __init__(self, wrapped_entry, app_factory=None, parent=None): """ Wrap an XDG menu entry. Args: wrapped_entry: An object defined in the :mod:`xdg.Menu` module. app_factory (Callable): A function that takes a :class:`xdg.Menu.MenuEntry` and returns a :class:`~Application`. parent: See Also: :class:`xdg.Menu.Menu` """ app_factory = app_factory or Application if isinstance(wrapped_entry, xdg.Menu.Menu): key = wrapped_entry.getName() value = wrapped_entry elif isinstance(wrapped_entry, xdg.Menu.MenuEntry): key = wrapped_entry.DesktopEntry.getName() value = app_factory(wrapped_entry) super(XdgMenuEntry, self).__init__(key, value=value, app_factory=app_factory, parent=parent) if isinstance(wrapped_entry, xdg.Menu.Menu): for child in _menulike_children(wrapped_entry): XdgMenuEntry(child, self) @classmethod
[docs] def from_xdg_menu_file(cls, menu_def_file): """ Constructor for a `.menu` file. See Also: :func:`~make_xdg_menu_entry` """ return make_xdg_menu_entry(menu_def_file, cls=cls)
def _menulike_children(menu): children = menu.getEntries() for child in children: if isinstance(child, (xdg.Menu.Menu, xdg.Menu.MenuEntry)): yield child
[docs]def make_xdg_menu_entry(menu_def_file=None, cls=None): """ Make a :class:`pymenu.MenuEntry` based on a XDG .menu file. This is usually located in ``/etc/xdg/menus/``. Args: menu_def_file (str): Path to a `.menu` file as defined in the `Desktop Menu Specification`_. Defaults to ``/etc/xdg/menus/`` This file can usually be found in the ``/etc/xdg/menus`` folder. The following command is a good start to list these .menu files: .. code-block: text find /etc/xdg/menus -name * These `.menu` file may not include applications that installed their desktop entries in a user folder such as ``~/.local/share/applications``. In order to add additional directories to the desktop entries search path, you need to add a ``<AppDir>`` tag to the `.menu` file for the relevant directory. .. _`Desktop Menu Specification`: # noqa: E501 cls (type): The subclass of :class:`pymenu.MenuEntry` to create. The default is :class:`~XdgMenuEntry`. See Also: :class:`pymenu.MenuEntry` """ menu_def_file = menu_def_file or '/etc/xdg/menus/' cls = cls or XdgMenuEntry xdg_base_menu = xdg.Menu.parse(str(menu_def_file)) menu_entry = cls(xdg_base_menu) return menu_entry
[docs]def launch_xdg_menu_entry(entry, *targets): """ A convenient launcher for desktop entries. This uses the :class:`~Application` with default values. Args: entry (xdg.Menu.MenuEntry): Returns: None """ desktop_app = Application(entry) desktop_app.launch(*targets)
[docs]class Application(object): def __init__(self, entry, parser=None, term_args=None): """ A launchable application defined by a XDG desktop entry. Args: entry (xdg.Menu.MenuEntry): The desktop entry for this application. parser (Callable): A function that parses an Exec string of a desktop entry and returns an abstract syntax tree (AST) of it. The AST is expected to be made of lists and have the following structure (given the input ``app arg1 arg2``):: [ ['a', 'p', 'p'], [ ['a', 'r', 'g', '1'], ['a', 'r', 'g', '2'] ] ] The default parser should work in most cases. term_args (list): Command line argument prefixes for terminal applications. In XDG compliant desktop environments, the default (``['x-terminal-emulator', '-e']``) should be enough since it work on any setup that implements the `Debian Alternatives System`_ which is common in many UNIX distributions and most popular desktop environments. If you do not use this from of a XDG compliant environment (in Qtile_, for instance) you will need to set this manually. .. _`Debian Alternatives System`: # noqa: E501 .. _Qtile: """ self._entry = entry.DesktopEntry # type: xdg.DesktopEntry.DesktopEntry self._parse = parser or exec_parser self._executable_cache = None self._arguments_cache = None self._terminal = term_args or ['x-terminal-emulator', '-e']
[docs] def launch(self, *target_uris, **popen_kwargs): """ Launch this application with provided targets. Args: *target_uris: Positional arguments are used as URI targets for this application. If this application can handle multiple URIs at once, they are all parametrized in one subprocess. If this application can only handle one URI at a time, multiple processes are launched. If this application cannot handle target URIs, this argument is ignored. **popen_kwargs: This application is launched as subprocesses using :class:`subprocess.Popen`. These keyword arguments are simply passed along to this subprocess constructor. Returns: list: All subprocesses launched. """ cmds = [] if '%F' in self.arguments or '%U' in self.arguments: cmds.append(self._make_cmd(target_uris)) else: for target in target_uris: cmds.append(self._make_cmd(target)) processes = [] for cmd in cmds: processes.append(subprocess.Popen(cmd, **popen_kwargs)) return processes
@property def entry(self): return self._entry @property def executable(self): """ Provide the command line executables part for this application. This may include terminal-specific executables and arguments, such as ``['x-terminal-emulator', '-e']`` in addition to the actual executable if this is a terminal application. Returns: list """ if self._executable_cache is None: self._parse_exec() return self._executable_cache @property def arguments(self): """ Provide the command line arguments for this application. Some (``%i``, ``%c``, ``%k``) fieldcode placeholders are replaced. Target-like fieldcodes placeholders like ``%f``, ``%F``, ``%u`` and ``%U`` are not replaced. Returns: list """ if self._arguments_cache is None: self._parse_exec() return self._arguments_cache @property def _icon_args(self): icon_key = self._entry.getIcon() if icon_key: return ['--icon', icon_key] return [] @property def _name_args(self): name_key = self._entry.getName() if name_key: return [name_key] return [] @property def _desktopfile_args(self): return [self._entry.filename] def _make_cmd(self, target=None): """ Args: target: One or many URI targets Returns: list """ cmd = self.executable[:] for arg in self.arguments: if arg in ['%f', '%u']: if target: cmd.append(target) elif arg in ['%F', '%U']: if target: cmd.extend(target) else: cmd.append(arg) return cmd def _parse_exec(self): exec_string = self._entry.getExec() exec_ast = self._parse(exec_string) executable_ast, arguments_ast = exec_ast executable_path = ''.join(executable_ast) self._executable_cache = [] if self._entry.getTerminal(): self._executable_cache.extend(self._terminal) self._executable_cache.append(executable_path) self._arguments_cache = [] unmapped_args = [''.join(argument_ast) for argument_ast in arguments_ast] if 1 < len([arg for arg in unmapped_args if arg in ['%f', '%F', '%u', '%U']]): raise Exception('Malformed Exec entry.') for arg in unmapped_args: if arg == '%i': self._arguments_cache.extend(self._icon_args) elif arg == '%c': self._arguments_cache.extend(self._name_args) elif arg == '%k': self._arguments_cache.extend(self._desktopfile_args) else: self._arguments_cache.append(arg)
EXEC_GRAMMAR = r""" @@grammar::Exec command = executable arguments; executable = wordexpression ; arguments = {argument}* ; argument = | wordexpression | @+:fieldcode ; wordexpression = | @:chars | quote @:reservedchars quote ; fieldcode = | /%[fFuUdDnNickvm]/ | quote @:/%[fFuUdDnNickvm]/ quote ; quote = /(?<!\\)"/ ; chars = {CHAR}+ ; reservedchars = {CHAR|RESERVERDCHAR|QUOTEDCHAR}+ ; CHAR = /[a-zA-Z_0-9\-]/ ; QUOTEDCHAR = '\'@:/[\\\$\`\"]/ ; RESERVERDCHAR = /[\ \t\n\'\>\<\~\|\&\;\*\?\#\(\)]/ ; """ _exec_parser = tatsu.compile(EXEC_GRAMMAR)
[docs]def exec_parser(exec_string): """ Make the AST for a XDG Exec string. Args: exec_string (str): Returns: list: AST """ return _exec_parser.parse(exec_string)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest flags = doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL | doctest.ELLIPSIS doctest.testmod(optionflags=flags)