Source code for pymenu

# coding: utf8

"""Package main definition."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import errno

import anytree
import six

from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound

__project__ = 'xdmenu'
__version__ = None  # required for initial installation

    distribution = get_distribution(__project__)
    __version__ = distribution.version

except DistributionNotFound:
    # This will happen if the package is not installed.
    # For more informations about development installation, read about
    # the 'develop' command or the '--editable' pip option.
    # Note that development installations may break other packages from
    # the same implicit namespace
    # (see
    __version__ = '(local)'

[docs]class Prompt(object): """ Abstract class for defining menu user interfaces. """
[docs] def prompt_for_one(self, choices): """ Args: choices (list): List from which to choose from. Returns: str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class DictMenuEntry(MenuEntry): def __init__(self, name, data, parent=None): """ A menu tree node made of a dictionary structure. Args: name (str): The name of this node. data (dict): The value of this node. If this is a dictionary, child nodes will be created from it. parent (pymenu.MenuEntry): Parent entry node. """ menuvalue = data if not _is_dict(data) else None super(DictMenuEntry, self).__init__(name, value=menuvalue, parent=parent) try: for key, value in six.iteritems(data): DictMenuEntry(key, value, self) except AttributeError: # data is not a dictionnary pass
[docs]class FileSystemMenuEntry(MenuEntry): def __init__(self, path, parent=None): """ A menu tree node made from a filesystem path. Args: path (str): Filesystem path from which to build the menu tree. parent (pymenu.MenuEntry): Paren entry node. Note: The creation of child nodes if **not lazy**. This means that creating an instance of this class from a top level folder of a large file sets will consumes a lot of RAM. """ path = str(path) super(FileSystemMenuEntry, self).__init__(path, value=path, parent=parent) try: for sub in os.listdir(path): self.__class__(os.path.join(path, sub), self) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOTDIR: raise e
[docs]class SimpleCommandPrompt(Prompt): def __init__(self, question=None, prompt=None): """ Simply prompt a user for choices in command line. Args: question (str): Header question displayed before the choices. prompt (str): Actual prompt message for the user. """ self._question = question or 'Please select one of the following' self._prompt = prompt or 'Your choice: '
[docs] def prompt_for_one(self, choices): """ Args: choices (list): List from which to choose from. Returns: str: Chosen key Raises: KeyError: when the select item in not a valid choice. """ enumeration = OrderedDict() for k, v in enumerate(choices): enumeration[str(k)] = v print(self._question) for num, path in six.iteritems(enumeration): print('{:>4} {!s}'.format(num, path)) choice = input(self._prompt) return enumeration[choice]
def _is_dict(data): try: for _, _ in six.iteritems(data): return True except AttributeError: return False